Phone: +420 495 211 324
BUSINESS LAW.......................................................................................................
CIVIL LAW.......................................................................................................
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW.......................................................................................................
LABOUR LAW.......................................................................................................
CONTACTThe attorney’s fee for providing his/her legal services is governed firstly by his/her contract with a client. The contractual fee is 1,500.- CZK per hour, if not agreed otherwise. Moreover, the said fee is increased with overhead costs flat rate amounting to 300 CZK per hour. The attorney shall pay VAT amounting to 21%.
In case the attorney’s fee is not ruled by his/her contract with a client, the said fee is subject to the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 of the Coll., Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursements for Providing Legal Services (Attorneys’ Tariffs). When remuneration is calculated according to the attorney’s tariff, the size of the non-contractual fee for one act of legal services is based on the tariff value. The tariff value is the size of the relevant financial performance or the price for a relevant object or the price for a relevant right at the time when the act of providing legal services related to the above mentioned performance/price/right begins; as the price for the relevant right shall be considered both the value of a claim or the value of an obligation, however, when setting the tariff value, no appurtance and/or accessory shall be taken into consideration – save such appurtance and/or accessory is demanded as a separate claim.
In both above mentioned events the attorney charges/invoices travel costs in accordance with the Regulation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs valid for the relevant calendar year.
On February 5, 2016, the Czech Bar Chamber was authorized by the Czech Republic Ministry of Industry and Commerce to settling out-of-court consumer disputes between attorney and consumer, i.e. disputes resulting from Contracts on providing legal services (in accordance with the Law No. 634/1992 of the Coll., On Consumer Protection, as amended). The website of the said authorized subject is
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